Which Map should I make first please dont vote in both polls

I just choose a galaxy becuas i love them but i might change my username and pfp

You would have to have a mod or admin change your username as of that is in the user admin pannel you don’t have access to that. But that is your choice.

I changed back.

someone made a goose game map?

Yes, or at least there was a post on here about help on making one.

It was mine

Oh, well that’s embarrassing. So then no, it hasn’t been made. Sorry for not knowing, I help a lot of people and I don’t remember who said what unless it was really important.

its fine

Im surprised people even now what Ice Scream is.

dude if you made halo i would be the happiest person ever jumping on to the xbox-360 to play some halo hits different (in a good way)

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i did actually

Send it to me please im a huge halo fan

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just look it up on discovery

which one?

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pillar of fall

Yo this is fr cool how u make the guns


thanks but we should get back on topic before this gets flagged

WWWHHHYYY does it say Tap to grab sniper rifle???

one last thing tho you should make it so that when one gets selected a barrier goes around each of the other guns that werent selected

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well i want u to be able to grab two guns