Im going to make a Gimkit version of The Goose Game and would like ideas Ps Poll in post #18 and #51

Should the NPCs be players or sentries?


If You don’t know what the goose game is its a puzzle solving game where your only goal is to make the towns people miserable.
Annnnnddddd you play as a Goose


You should do a conbo, like you can play as a NPC and there still be bot NPC’s.


ok ill try that

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Should i make the same puzzles and locations or make different ones
Also how do I make a poll

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you should make different locations and puzzles, and to make a poll clcik the gear on a post when writting and select “Build a poll”.

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um… that didn’t work

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Do this, just with out the first { symbol, change it to [

{poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar close=2024-02-02T06:00:00.000Z]


  • Option one
  • Option two

some sould be players and some should be NPCs

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welcome to the forums jconatser

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it is not cool that you have to type 20 chacters

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you can put stuff in <> it will become invisible but still count for charecters



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got to go be back later

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That feature is there to prevent spam. To bypass it type letters inbetween the symbols <>. And welcome to the community @jconatser!

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can u make the poll?


  • Same Puzzles/Locations
  • Different Puzzles/Locations
0 voters

thank you

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the only people voting is you and me :frowning:

in what definition do you mean Npc if your thinking players or sentries?