What will this ever be used for?

ye lets all stop now

no more replies after this cause i know something will happen if there is


@phoque Here I found this on a Scratch forum since blocks is a simplier form of scratch.

Also a guide on Scratch

Remember to mark a solution if your question is answered!

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except for that cause its useful

I think the answer to your question is in here @phoque.

I made the strike system…
oops sry didn’t see the NO REPLY POST

No I dont like being pinged for stupid reasons.

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you can reply you know i don’t get pinged about edits, post only

What? I don’t understand how this is off-topic, they just asked what a certain block has use for.
@FersionSpeedy, what?

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better not become a big thing…

do you guys not see to not reply after this

What reply. They said no more talking about the strikes. @phoque can you please mark a solution.

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