What to build in my town

Hello! I have created a town for me and my friends to play in but I’m running out of ideas. Any ideas and if so tips to build them? Thanks!

Edit: Thanks for the tips! I’m amazed how fast y’all reply lol.

Welcome to the forums, @EGGacha !! Maybe build a town hall or a gym?

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Welcome to the form @EGGacha!
a bank you can rob and get an item or something


Welcome to the community @EGGacha! Make a bank(player robbable) town hall, bakery, 4 homes, grocery store, etc.
Here is a guide on how to make a good looking house


Welcome to the forum, @EGGacha! Check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips for more easy help! Read the Community Guidelines for a gist of the rules. If you ever run into a hard problem, just ask away! After all, this is a community forum!

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You can add anything you want, but I suggest having some easter eggs to the buildings, using the map for a hunt, and adding a TV store


Yeah, you can really play with the decorating on GKC but you can’t make everything, the memory forbids it.

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