What symbols should I use in a chat system?

I’m creating my own version of a keyboard and I need to choose 16 symbols to use. I guess I’m looking for symbols that are most commonly used in text?

Out of these:

@ ! ? are mostly used do you also want letters?

Just 16 symbols, I have the letters already

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? , . ! @ # : " are the ones I can think of
There is also - _ + = {[}[ | '";:/?.>,<!@#$%^&*()

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How about ASCII art? Are there any symbols that are almost never used for it?

  1. !
  2. ?
  3. @
  4. ,
  5. .
  6. (
  7. )
  8. [
  9. ]
  10. asterisk (turns into dot thing)

For the other 6 I’d use emoji’s:

  • Smiley face
  • Frowny face
  • Thumbs up
  • Crying Emoji

And then 2 more of your choice.


Are you making it to where they can type out messages!!!

Here are some rare symbols

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

Yeah, its for a chat game thingy

Those are very rare indeed…

Just looking for the 16 most commonly used symbols ig (oh I just thought about searching it up)

So you mean to tell me, I will be able to say what ever?

I plan on making a filter

Will it be easy or hard to make?

Bomb Symbol (it means when you just cannot think of anything)

I would suggest &, asterick, @, ?, , ., !, $, ;, and :.

Great, that works! Thanks!

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