What props should you use for adventure maps

I need props for my GKC map but I can’t seem to find anything that would fit.
I’m also looking for a theme for the map since I can’t make up my mind about lore or pvp boss style.
But if you have any suggestions please reply.

And by the way silver i want the text colour to light red i ran out of replies


Do Medieval Times that sounds fun :grinning:

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that’s so true good idea @2nd_place_guy

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Plus a lot of the props and turain are based on Medieval times
so it would be vary easy to make a fun game

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And if u want I can make a thumbnail for your game based on medieval times

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I think he might be offline right now

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ya, I think so to lol

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hay, @2nd_place_guy do u chat on Google docs

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I don’t know @Silver

ok but I’m leaving I will be back soon

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if u want I can make a doc that me and u can chat on

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ok then I’ll talk to u soon

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Adding to the medieval times, you can have a castle and a king, and quests maybe, and like a town square.


Ya good idea
But we think he is AFA rn

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i have a question are you on a school computer

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no i have my owne y u ask

I was wondering if you were a student

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Just had a snack. lol


you must have a big snack back

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lol ya so what do u think

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Maybe vines? Thats what comes into my mind when hearing adventure.

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