What mechanics should i add into my open-world map?

Any ideas for this?

What is your map about?

it’s just a regular open world map you have to navigate through to knockout the person holding the flag and or protect yourself from people trying to knock you out. Based off my most recent guide.

Maybe it should have a theme and/or lore. What kind of genres do you like?

Make powerups, different terrain worlds, tripwires, lore, and/or purchaseable turrets.


action and adventure

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Maybe it’s a game where you have to hold an artifact, and the longer you have it the more gold seeds you get. You can use those gold seeds for skill trees to improve your speed, weapons, etc. The flag is put inside a temple and the outside is a jungle.


Wow, that’s good. But that got me thinking, maybe there are multiple things like that, that get you different seeds, for differnt/upgraded speed/weapons, ect, and they are all on one map.


Like secret of mana! You have to get the mana seeds!

(Realizes no one knows what that is)


Great ideas! I would also like areas to add too. For example, this Pumpkin Patch i made:


Best genres ever!

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Make a mountain you have to climb

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Make an underwater area with lots of loot.

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Ahhhhhh!!! J0in code!!!


I would also add camera zones…

PS. That’s the ONE aesthetics thing I care about.