What else should i add to a living room?

Man that carpet looks AWESOME. I never thought to make one like that. :thinking:

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I’m kinda too lazy to read all that… some summary please?

And also, @speedy_kd4 I added the carpet, but it’s grass. It looks realistic though.

What else should i add? I add some text for the TV, but what should i add? Things on the coffee table, or something else?

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Summarize it? okok gimme a little I can summarize it later.

yeah, maybe add some little toys or knickknacks on the coffee table, similar to what @gimmaster12345 did here for their cozy cottage:
Screenshot 2024-03-02 10.52.58 PM
(on the fireplace.)


Add somthing for the tv to be on.

I did.

Make it 3D

add a coffee mug on the table in the middle of the couch setup
makes it look like people are actually living in it

You like analog horror? Virtual high five

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maybe some stuff on the table?
like some food or something.

Um, why is there a gun on your couch? I also agree with your taste in Willy Wonka, the OG one was best.
And nice use of paintings.

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Because it’s a Clue game. That’s the way it looks from my old computer. However, it looks more like a water gun from other computers/chrome books.

Looks like a revolver to me.

Play my map and you will see it has changed to a water gun.

Ok, put the name of it into your bio.

NOPE! Advertsisng! Not allowed, delete that post please! And put the game in your bio.

Thank you very much!

How about a fishtank like the one frozen cursor made?

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add a clock or some food like a pizza, put down a laptop and a stack of papers to make it look like a work room