What could the mining gamemode add?

Josh announced a new gamemode for Gimkit about Mining. What could it add?

1 - Minecarts

With the addition of minecarts, we could add moveable objects that follow paths. You could ride in these minecarts to get to other places. Minecarts could have different skins, too.

2 - Pickaxe

The pickaxe would be an item that can only damage props. This would mean it wouldn’t be used for PVP, which could help for creative games.

3 - Prop Expansion (Mines)

If the mines inside of the game are props, we could get an update to damageable props. This means they could respawn, drop items, etc.

4 - Dynamic Props

Following the idea of a prop expansion, they could add dynamic props. These would be animated props that would cost more memory, but would help with animation. In the mining game, this would be flying bats.

5 - Attack Speed Modifier

Inside of the game, this would be used to be able to mine faster. This could help with PVP games for more upgrades.


Sound Nice But What If It available Only In Platformer?

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It wouldn’t be. The mining gamemode isn’t a part of Don’t Look Down.


wouldn’t this be more like efficiency?


Yea but you could also use it in PVP games.

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I accaully think it will be gimkits first close range weapon (other than zapper, but that is range too,i mean melee) , and will do more dmg to props.
overall good ideas


nice, i could finally make a minecart system in my smp(don’t ask what it means)

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Nah I know


These are very good ideas, and I would be disappointed if these weren’t. The animated props would be a big step up.


Actually, @JoeTheChicken, it’s been announced that the new mining game will be a platformer, so it would likely only be available in Platforming GKC.


I mean, all the medieval props were added to GKC…


Also I feel like a top-down game would be better


You are correct. It is possible that it will be in regular GKC, @Gimkit101.

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I think it would be like a 2d game.

Like its from the side, and you see your gim.

(Search up Miner cat on scratch, good representation on what I think it would be like)

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This would be awesome! I guess they would need to add tracks as well.
Wait, they already added minecarts.


Yes, but wouldn’t it be cool if they added minecarts as their first vehicles? Wouldn’t it be funny watching the mine cart Gim riding inside another minecart. :rofl:


this could be added but most likely not this year as i have seen with screenshots of discord messages there is a high chance that there is not going to be any new devices coming with the new platformer mode just some not available in the platformer mode

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Yeah, this is true on release, but more will probably be added later on.

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yeah when it releases, “i will do the minecart in a minecart thing”(i have the season ticket)

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Can someone add vehicles like minecarts to the nolt for me? I can’t do it b/c it’s blocked for me.