What are these jumps called? Vote on post 121

Huh, didn’t know that. You’re still wrong though.


ok so I was wrong about headhitters ( I got the jumps mixed up)
they’re ladder jumps right?
or am I wrong?
no way this was made on July 29 :skull:

Wraparound? I don’t really know why it matters in the context.

Show me a ladder that is completely vertical like that. Why wouldn’t jumps like this:

(it looks dumb in 2d view but i hope you get what i mean) be ladder jumps? They’re even closer to being rungs, and these types of jumps occur pretty frequently in gameplay. Although this is a dumb thing to argue about as basically everyone who uses that term refers to headhitters, I’m gonna argue about dumb things because I have literally nothing better to do in my life right now.

It’s because when you do it WRONG you hit your head. If you don’t know the strategy then it’ll be a head hitter.

Headhitter is also a very established parkour term. Also, you don’t even hit your head while doing the “headhitter” jump you showed either. You can just “neo”/“wraparound” the block. Sure, there’s definitely a method to do those without the neo method, and maybe there is no other method to do a “roblox headhitter”, but you can still argue that you don’t even hit your head while doing that kind of jump. For a large row of those blocks where you can’t do neos/wraparounds, that’s called low-roof gameplay.

That term was used in a way that implied it was a bad name. Of course we’re not going to call it that.

So here’s my argument for headhitters:

  • Most likely bad logic that will get debunked very soon #1
  • Most likely bad logic that will get debunked very soon #2
  • Most likely bad logic that will get debunked very soon #3

Also these I’m not going to talk about this because you’re right.
extremely scuffed counterarguments by mysz: #45


That’s just showing the aspect that having a weird and clumsy name just doesn’t work as well.

vertical ladders:



Also, in regards to your image, who climbs a ladder like that? When the slope is that low, it’s just stairs.

You do. If you don’t jump right before the pit, you’ll fall in, even if you’re sprinting. Then you hit your head on the ceiling and fall back down. It’s true that you could also pass this by doing a neo, but I don’t understand how that’s relevant, my example was just to show that headhitters exist. Besides, headhitters are easier than neos anyway.

So yeah, vertical neos/ladder jumps make a lot more sense here, since neos are jumping around things, and ladders are vertical.


That would probably be odd, in my opinion anyways.

When I was about to fall asleep yesterday, I suddenly remembered that vertical ladders existed so now I look stupid.



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Fine, I can respect ladder jumps for what they are, but vertical neos just sound dumb to me. I’m going to keep calling them headhitters because the game I play (JToH) keeps calling them headhitters and neos wraparounds and actual “headhitters” aren’t called anything.


I came back and saw this topic had 108 replays, and I wonder, why???


Some things off topic, but mostly on topic surprisingly.


People have different opinions on this topic so they’re telling their opinions


h o o k jump is the name
the word isnt allowed to type so i had to put spaces

Exactly what I said. Lol :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, why is this topic so long?! Answer: 1 million ladder pics.

Could you please mark a solution this topic I think should already be over.

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Apparently people are very opinionated on this sort of thing.

I’ll make a poll:

What are the jumps called?
  • Head Hitters
  • Ladder Jumps
  • Vertical Ladder Jumps
  • Vertical Neos
  • Wedge Jumps
  • Other (Please reply with clarification)
0 voters

@NoNoWahoo, sorry, but @Bananas123 already made a poll

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it’s fine lol not that big of a deal


@Jobozo1875, could you please mark a solution this off topic conversation has gone on for a while.

Thing is, this whole topic is off topic lol