What are these jumps called? Vote on post 121

@Gimkit101 right here

Oh, that. Okay, thanks!


Quick question: how is it legal for you to have an alt? Just curious.

Wdym how is it legal??? How would it not be legal, also if you mean how is it allowed then: you are allowed to have a alt I’m pretty sure, BUT if you got banned then you are not.

Then maybe I should make an alt. Then I could escape my reputation. Lol
Jk lol

Yeah, your allowed. Reading the rules, your statements correct.

They say your not allowed to get back on if banned or terminated.


That’s what I meant lol


Okay, please educate me on why the name “neo” even makes sense as a minecraft term. Why are they not called wraparounds?


wrap around would have to be like 3d, cause your not wrapping around something in the match

–i-- you gotta jump over it (my 2d example thingy)

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I’m talking about in 3D minecraft. Why are they called neos? Because apparently “Vertical neo” is another term for this, which would make sense if the term “Neo” made sense.

I looked it up and it’s what some guy did to avoid stuff in a movie but that just seems like a really dumb name for a term because when naming gameplay in games, why not just use a normal name? So if “headhitters” don’t make sense because you “don’t hit your head” when doing them then Neos shouldn’t make sense because when you’re trying to wrap around an object you’re not avoiding a bullet.


ahh ok

maybe it means to like avoid the wall, but idk I just default to wrap around if 3d and head hitters if 2d, but that’s a good point.

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People are really bad at naming things.


yeah like a cargo ship

it ain’t a car its a ship

and a shipment

like what, its a car not a ship delivering stuff


Wasn’t there a gap jump that you have to have perfect timing on the jumps. Idk what it is called

Drop & Jumpz

Ladder Jumps

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Which is why we need to start using the good and nice names for jumps like these and not the ones that you need to have watch The Matrix to understand.


Now, let me ask why they’re called ladder jumps. Is it because the jumps look like a ladder? That’s silly, because they barely do. What if they’re spaced out a lot? Do they still look like a ladder? Clearly it can’t be that, so here’s the other term I think might be why they’re called that. Because you climb them vertically. But that’s even worse. You’re not climbing a ladder at all, and you’re “simulation” of ladder climbing isn’t anything like normal ladder climbing. Doing vertical gameplay itself is also climbing. I’m definitely missing something here, I need to know why they’re called ladder jumps.


Idk. It’s like you’re going up the rungs of a ladder.

BTW, does anyone on Discord know when the Item Shop reopens?

mountain climbers

you gotta climb your way to the top of the obstacle, almost like its a mountain

you could also do hiking but mountain is def better

realistically if a gim is like 6 ft, then those things are like 50 feet tall, so its almost like a mountain lol (not nearly as much though definitely)


But that applies for so… many… obstacles. Couldn’t you just call all vertical gameplay mountain climbing then? And what happens when you space out all the jumps vertically? Then, they stop looking like a ladder and to say it looks like climbing a ladder could be said for so much more.


then I give up lol