Hello there! Like @Here_to_help, I made 1 guide for all my Art guides. Take a look!
Palm Tree
I’m doing this because @bobking was asking for it.
The Trunk
This is easy. First, go to props and select a rectangular wooden sign.
Then, go to its settings, appearance, and change its tint to yellow.
Afterward, go to the change size (bottom-left-hand corner) and tilt it however you want it to be. You can also enlarge the sign to be bigger. If you want the trunk to be slanted at an angle, you can create a second sign place it next to the first, and then tilt it.
You’re done! The Leaves
Once you have finished the trunk, you can move onto the leaves. Go to your props, but place an alien plant.
Again, go to change size and enlarge it however you like.
Now, you can be a little creative. You could rotate the leaves in different angles, or add different kinds of leaves. It all depends on what you want to do. This is a simple one that I did.
Don’t judge, I did it in under a minute
Now you can add your palm trees to your beaches! Thanks for reading!
Bowling Pin
First, get 4 circular barriers. Make sure they are all completely opaque (1). Then make 3 of them white and one red. They should be around these sizes:
(Gim for reference)
Then, place them like so:
You can make the barriers smaller so that you can fit more into your area. You can also add a bowling ball and arrange the pins like this:
You’re done!
This is a WIP. Suggest ideas of art I should make! When done, I will add them here. Do not edit the wiki.
To-do List
- 1WO space capsule
- Money bag
As always, remember to mark solutions and welcome new users! @wingwave out.