(VOTING) Need a Thumbnail for an unusual game "The corridors" (VOTING)

Its was my first time trying kleki, how is it?

its still a wip.

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I think you’re talking about this, no, I just didn’t express it correctly, yes, it’s my mistake, sorry, I wanted to write that “you understood correctly what I wanted” I was thinking of a narrow corridor and like gim was walking along it, he did it, and I wrote that like no one could repeat it, when I said REPEAT I meant that no one could repeat my thoughts and as I wrote, your work is amazing, like all of you, bro, I don’t want to fight, I want to live in peace with everyone :slight_smile:

beautiful, but the door if possible should be 1


I would like you all, but I already used up the daily likes

Im finally done (not sure about the font).

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Can i make one?

AI Generate it, plain and simple, use canva


Yes, but make sure to have a gim stand or walk in a corridor at the end of it… for more there is information at the top. Also welcome! person that joined like 2 mins ago…

yes you can do it, but I don’t know what to do with the ones they made for me :sweat_smile:
thanks to the artists…

I will add all of you to Credits

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Whose miniature did you like the most?

  • Lucky_0p
  • Y0ur_Local_Weird0
  • Gimkitnoobie
  • TastySnurp
  • Tropicool
0 voters
  • Lucky_0p

if you are already on this list, that is, you are one of these artists, give a point to the one whose work you liked


I thought there was no dead line lol but I’m a still make one! I am gonna finish it tomorrow though since i need sleep lol.

Idk how this thumbnail opportunity slipped past me, oh well

BUT, seeing that thumbnail were wanted ASAP, I probably wouldn’t have made one cuz I am a thumbnail maker who NEEDS time to make quality thumbnails

Anyways, good job to the people who did make thumbnails and may the best one be chosen! :smile:

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Ok! Who joined two minutes ago?

no, there was no need to do it quickly, I’ll finish the project in at least 2 weeks
the reason is that I’m on my sister’s account, and to release cards in Gimkit discovery you need level 50, for a second it’s 5000 gimbucks, in short my sister has 27 now
I need to save up a little, and I’ll finish the project itself in 1-2 weeks, it’s complex

wow 20% each? what should i do?:joy:


Wait til you finish the game and once you finish your game, end the poll


apparently my “I need help with a thumbnail” topics keep getting deleted from existence (literally) for no reason :frowning:

oh yeah i know, some magic is happening now, i won’t get involved so as not to get flags, but many posts are deleted just like that/for some unknown reason

I looked at your avatar and it seems like you have a talent for drawing, am I right?