Vote on post 447!

Hello, I know I have a game already called “Gim-Explorers” but that game actually has lots of more work to do so im currently just pausing it right now, buttt I have a game that I made a while ago that I havent published yet and its already done! but I dont have a thumbnail, and I like make thumbnails but I really just dont have the time because of life so it would really be great if any of yall can come and make one for me

(please dont spectate the poll if or when we have one, and dont get off-topic, and dont cause clutter, I really dont want a repeat of what happened last time so if i see this topic getting out of hand im going to be forced to move it to devices section and mark and answer, thank you!)


3 gims

  • one gim finishing first, happy
  • the other gims struggling, not at finish line yet, the third gim is struggling a little more than the second
  • rolling hills in the background to basically show to the player that the course is long
  • (you can add more gims in the rolling hills btw)
  • thats it!

Just as a note, Devices has become a graveyard. I messaged Blackhole because we want to do something about it.

So if it does get out of hand please just mention Blackhole927 and ask to close it.

Thank you.

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@Aubec7, I can make one. Any specific gims you want? When is the deadline? And what is the title?


@BrownSugarAlien , I dont have any specific gim but dont choose one that doesnt make any sense like an astronaut or smth :skull: the title is just Running Simulator and the deadline is in 2 days (thats my first irl cross country race so i thought it would be perfect lol)

is in 3 days good? thats my brothers first cross country race @BrownSugarAlien

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Can you extend the deadline please!!!
Uhm. 4 days @Aubec7?

thats a sunday

so maybe monday?

How about the deadline is Saturday and the poll is on Sunday. Sound good?

I wont be able to check the poll on sunday tho

ill just extend the deadline on monday

:grimacing: What? Okay.

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just pick a day lol


yeah, i did, its monday :slight_smile:


Does niblet match the theme?

sure, I would like the athletic gims like the climber and stuff but yeah that works if you want

I wish I could make one but it doesn’t fit my time schedule

what time could work for you?

I can extend the deadline more if you want, cuz the game is already done

I could probably finish one by the 28th (maybe) because I’ll only be able to work on it tomorrow and starting again on monday

alright, thats fine

How do you draw a side view of niblet?

lol thats a good question

Does this look okay?