Vote on post 103

That statement is false. Itā€™s actually prohibited under the law.

Oh, why did I trust Tvā€™s? :disappointed:
But still, please let me remain to fix out some kinks in my game, then I will leave, I swear.
And also, while Iā€™m gone, donā€™t flag my guides because in two months they will belong in the forums.

OK, iā€™m back.
Sorry i havenā€™t responded or looked at the thumbnails, but they all look great!
And thanks to all the other people who wanted to help out after my last response.
Btw it took me a while to read all the unread messages lol. There were a few of-topic comments but thatā€™s fine.

@chunky the old thumbnail you made me did not upload, so thatā€™s why I need a new one.

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Also iā€™m doing a poll for all the thumbnails so no more designs will be allowed.

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um, sorry but we canā€™t let that happen, itā€™s not our choice, itā€™s against the law.
and there is some sort of punishment for coming underage in the first place, if you get reported, you wonā€™t be back until at least november.

Naw you guys arenā€™t giving @Toothless a chance he said heā€™s two months younger yā€™all are just jumping on him like a pack of wolves.

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hmm, maybe because ITS ILLEGAL?!
also its their fault for joining underage

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Itā€™s literally illegal
what more is there to say
2 months is still an amount of time

Are you making it within the post or in a new topic?

please do this within this topic to prevent clutter (either edit the first post or make a new post)

Yeah, Iā€™m making the poll within this post.

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@VoidFluffy did you get pinged in the poll :thinking:

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mature enough to know the rules and not own up to it until I have to investigate?

letā€™s get back on topic
just report it to the mods or smth thereā€™s nothing you can do to change the fact that being underage is illegal

Okay I get itā€™s 1llegal but like weā€™re on the internet. On a forum talking about a game basically built for kids to learn. And, anyone can be underage here and just lie about it. I know a lot of people on this forum that sound like 10 year olds. And if adults are actually playing GIMKIT, then yall are probably some 20 year old guy in your grandmas basement.

I could run for president this year.


Whatā€™s going on?
I wasnā€™t here when things got off-topic.

Sorry just getting my point across :grinning::+1: