Use sentry as Body guard

so I want a sentry that follows the gim like a body guard

There is no way to move sentries currently. You would have to place multiple and turn them on and off to simulate movement.

One question: Are you willing to spend lots of time and sanity and memory on this?


all ready have no sanity and have all the time so yeah.

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Coordinate board, and lots of sentries. Something like this will suit your needs. Make it so if a player goes to a certain coordinate a sentry will follow right behind you. Depending on the size of your map, this might not be possible. If it’s a smaller map, this can work. But if you want to, I would just size it out really big, the zones, because a sentry will have lots of range, so there’s no need to make really tiny zones. I would do zones about 7-10 tiles large.

Hopefully this helps! And hopefully you will have enough patience lol.

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If you want the sentry not to attack the player, add it to the same team as such player, or have teams consisting of a player and a sentry. Selection would be hard, but also doable. Don’t forget, anything is doable with code!

ok so now how do I like make the sentry teleport to me

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Just do this but with sentries

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thank you now how do I connect the two

“do this with sentries”

dude they did this with text boxes how would you translate this into sentries :sob:

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Just replace doing the text boxes with sentries

i mean i guess, but it would just take up so much memory :sob:

So, about your bio:

Sorry I can’t help you with your Sentry bodyguard though

yeah it would.
yes indeed