Spaces: space - Used for smaller spaces in making pixel art when poorly aligned.
Aquire the text device.
Edit the text. Insert the █ character in order to add the “pixels”. ALL TEXT IN GIMKIT WILL BE CENTERED! USE THE SPACE KEY OR THE BLANK CHARACTER which is [⠀] TO CENTER IT OUT
[Optional: Change the size of the text box.]
[Optional: Change the color of the text box.]
For multiple colors, repeat Steps 1-4. Align that text box as needed, so it stays consistently aligned.
yeah, nice guide :D
though i believe if you use the staatlitches font or whatever, there won’t be any spaces with emojis, you’ll just have to reposition textboxes to fit in with the image/object you’re tryinf to recreate i may be wrong though
this could be used for a game where you have to piece the text together like a puzzle