Simple laser hallway guide (Difficulty 4/10)

Oh. Sorry I can’t help you with that.

ok sooo what do i do?

I dont know. Maybe make a help post.

kay i will do that. <5656>

Off topic but you can’t put numbers in the html tag. So like <dsfdsfd> instead of <2322>

Also why do you need a video to make guides. Explain it with text. There are soo many complex guides that are explained with text.

psa pictures matter [ 📢 PSA!] Pictures are powerful! is why

Then insert images instead of a video.

ok this is what i have how much longer do I have to edit this? @VoidFluffy

a month-ish.
Please stop pinging me.

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okay my bad it is that you are extremely helpful to me

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I don’t think this is a tug…


I learned from experience, it’s not smart to post WIP guides. finish it on like- a goodie doc before posting it.


TUGs were made to cover a huge range of topics - just look at the first few, blocks, props and terrain, devices, and game design. The amount of forum users that are going to look at those TUGs and potentially learn something is pretty high in my opinion - and the reason is because the TUGs I listed previously are so general. Blocks can be applied in just about every map, and devices and props are the core parts of your game that separate it from any other game. This guide on the other hand, is really specific.

A Laser Maze map only has so many things you can add before it becomes a completely unique game, so if you add too much to this guide it might as well just become “Ideas for Laser Maze Games”. What is the reason this is a TUG? Is it its length? Again, I don’t think you can cover a super large amount about a game where you literally just walk and dodge lasers. Any new mechanics made would just be a compilation of old guides into a new one - something people don’t like.

Is it the guide’s generality? Absolutely not. I know many people who will never make a laser maze guide, and TUGs are supposed to appeal to many people. I do know, however, that basically all of the forum’s population has had a question about devices or blocks in the past. That’s why we have TUGTED, because it is incredibly informative with information on every single device on the game.

There’s no reason why you can’t pass this off as a normal guide. I want this to be heard very closely - DO NOT TAKE DOWN THIS GUIDE. Instead, you can just remove the tug tag (if you want of course, I’ve persuaded you but the final decision is ultimately yours) and just call it something like “Making a Laser Maze Game”, and that’s it. Snooker.


its offical the guide is done!

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So… I think this idea is pretty basic and to me it looks like you just spammed lasers and sentries all over.

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i know it is because i am not gonna be active on gimkit forum next week starting tomorrow my time might run out before I come back so I had to do what I could @Kosm0-o

Let’s be honest, I don’t think that’s really a Laser Maze. I don’t even see why you have sentries either. It’s more of a Laser hallway, it’s not much of a maze, just a straight pathway.


When you said simple. You really meant simple. Simple simple. Idk if it’s worth a guide ngl. But you did put effort.


resuable bump
@Blackhole927 make this a wiki please

i bumped this becuase my guides are starting to fade ): :sob: