Trying to make a COD style domination gamemode

should i really say it? @Here_to_help

Yes. I think I have tricked you.


or am i wrong?

What’s ET? That is not what we call it where I live.

or r u central and just said that cuz u wanted to


Oh, you mean EST! That is [REDACTED].


1 Like

I knew it!!!

why do i have a notification when there is litterally nothing in my inbox

nothing that is blue at least

That happens sometimes. Now get back on-topic

(I feel like I’m the off-topic police)

It must have been that like I gave you.

i looked at that already, it still said there was 1 notification.

I remember he said something before but what was it exactly? i forgot

Oh no, not again. Stay on topic guys.

pls tell me :worried:

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