Trying to make a COD style domination gamemode

yeah I know I asked for help recently but my friend got on my account and deleted it so. I’m trying to figure out how to get like points or give a team score for standing and claiming a flag/area but then the other team can take it back and I’m confused on how to do it so help would be amazing.

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If i reply late sorry in school but finished work

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This is a link to a guide on how to make capture the flag:

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im not trying to make capture the flag trying to make it like domination where you can capture a area and get points until a opposing team can take that zone back i dont want the flag to move

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I am not very skilled with that type of stuff so one sec. @Here_to_help @ClicClac @mysz

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no problem but thanks for the response

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What do you mean by zone? You mean there a zones that each team can tag in? Please elaborate further, and then I might be able to help.

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Zone as in like the zones in the creative I was trying to make it where when a person on 1 team would be able to like walk into it and it give points and be able to hold it like in cod until another team captures it but not a flag just a area

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So, the longer they are in the zone, the more points they get?

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Like call of duty domination game mode they get the same amount of points as they stay in it but you can own it and go out and fight and get points until the other team takes it

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How do you want a team to claim it? Is there anything else that zone does?

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Ok, I know what you are saying. Let me make sure. My friends play COD, but I don’t so I need to be sure. So there is a zone, and when you pick up a flag in the center and bring it back to your base, an area is yours, and you can earn points for being in it. But if the other team gets the flag, they now ‘own’ the zone. Is this correct?

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Have triggers that are around the area the the team that is claiming on a no delay wire reapter that is on the team that is claiming it so only one team can activate it and only one can deactivate i will give a tutorial tomorrow


No it’s like you don’t take the flag but it’s an zone that you can walk into and it will give you points if claimed by a team but in domination I’ve seen mainly a flag there even if it doesn’t do anything it’s there to signal the zone and for a person to walk into so you can get points


Figured out a better way show you tomorrow

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Thanks this won’t close before you show my right?

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Oh it might close…….

If you re post this in the morning I should get to it or I could ping you in a post

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Ok I’ll open one in the morning thanks and tag u

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