Troll ideas for a Pokemon map

But then after you die it’s revealed to be a joke and you stay where you were.

Or a ditto

Building off of @getrithekd 's idea, A pokemon (on the opposing side) slowly uses his turns to convince Pokemon to go on strike.
It would work for any Pokemon, and in the end all the Pokemon will leave you and you will be forced to use your bare hands to fight.


I don’t usually type that much lol

I would make it so it was a trick.

What do you mean by that

It wouldn’t actually leave you it would disappear with a sign and come back with a troll face.

No I was talking to @AverageMale about their suggestion.

Ohhh… I get it now it make is much more clear, thanks for clarifying

Voltorbs and Electrodes disguised as items you can pick up. I suggest you add easter eggs as well. That could make your game more interesting.



And they can give you status effects when you pick them up



Yeah, like paralysis or confusion. Those would probably work the best.

Gimtorbs and Elecgims.


Annoying pop-ups could work.

Or you could make the player extremely slow.

Popup or Questioner-Softlocking :skull:
Also, another idea, if you disturb or go near spider pokemon you get slowed and poisoned and a 5% chance to get paralysed


I could probably use this right?


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I’m going to close this later because I gtg. But it would great if you guys could still suggest stuff.

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A Pokémon with 1 HP, 1 attack, 1 everything, and it HAS to be used in battle every time or you get the bad ending.

Or maybe a sentry with 1 hp but, it has a quantum portal and it gets activated and deactivated fast making it hard to kill

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