Thumbnail Tips!

Hey! Here’s some tips for thumbnail designs by an art student! (A choir student but, who cares😭) All of the tips will be sectioned into small groups depending on the tips, I’m not super active on here, but I’ll try my best to respond to any questions😋


-Pinterest is your best friend! Pinterest has backgrounds and PNGs to use for a clean and more realistic thumbnail!

-The fandom wiki is your other best friend! Head over to the Gimkit cosmetics gallery to find beautiful PNGs of nearly all the gims available.

-I recommend using Canva to finalize, and for adding texts. It’s completely free, and your school may have it, so check that out for 100% use!


-If you’re looking for advice, you can head over to the Discord server, the Gimkit forum, or even under here! You’re allowed to post a demo thumbnail piece here if you choose to!

-Take it lightly! Constructive criticism is exactly it. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. It’s there to help you, not tear you down. Take the words of your peers seriously!


-Practice makes perfect! When someone asks for a thumbnail, try posting one you make! If you’re allowed to, hop over to the Discord server! They have an entire section dedicated to art, and game pics!

-MUSIC! Okay that might be biased, but if you find it hard to focus, try listening to music! I know it’s kind of off-topic, but sound might help you work better, you never know!


cool guide!

  • try not to do already-made guides about this topic though!
  • maybe add pictures!
  • not every thumbnail has to be made with png images! some people actually take their time, and draw the whole thing! (like I do, for example!)

and lastly,

WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!! :confetti_ball:
read the FAQ, TSA, and check out forum-tips and forum-beginners !


Nice art guide! And, first post!? Def gonna be a new user of the month>

That part could not be more true.


Welcome to the forums!


Omg why is everyone here so kind wth​:sob::heart_hands:


Welcome to the forums! Please make sure to read the Terms of Service and FAQ! You even get a badge doing so!

Great first post!


I’ve removed the ideas tag because it is mainly for help topics asking for ideas.

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Nice guide! I can see that you will make even better guides in the future!