Thumbnail requests poll(ends April 10)

here is the poll from Thumbnails requests (poll ends April 10).

@SlimJim58 and Wildfire



  • Nixximon
  • SlimJim58 and Wildfire
  • Random_dude123
0 voters
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everyone who voted in the other topic, vote again here.

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i like nixximons :slight_smile:

here my first guideline How to make your text look 3D (poll) Guideline

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is it good

yes, and unlike the other topic, we might get more votes!

any ideas for the Disney map I’m making in like 2 months?
See Going to make a Disney map. ideas?

I’m bored
I’m bored

I’m bored

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wait how are you going to build the rides

gtg c u later remember the poll closes on the 10th

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I’ll figure somthin out


any additional things you want me to add to my map? I’m still working on a park, maybe the beach, and I’m making a castle right now. Anything I should add to the castle before I gtg?

can you make me a thumbnail
Can someone make me a Thumbnail for my map?

sure I’ll try and i played your game! It was challenging and fun!

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thank you so much!!!


1% :skull:

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I can vote :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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@Nixximon, congrats, and for everyone else like @Random_dude123 and @SlimJim58, thank you for making the thumbnails even though I’m using Nixximon’s.