Thumbnail request: Story mode!

Hello can i get a thumbnail for my game “ Story mode “ I am suffering through art block. So i’m asking you guys fro a thumbnail for my next update “The town”


(prev) After you wake up from a strange dream you see a note from jeffery asking you a favor to go into the autumn forest and collect fire wood (next update) after collecting fire wood you decide to travel to the near by town. (For those who don’t want spoilers for the next update) cutscene The same bunny you met in the forest is talking to some strange figure, saying “The chosen one has awoken” end cutscene You explore the village and see the bustling market of the town square there you see someone new he seems friendly at first but he was just waiting to strike and takes almost all your stuff so now you have to find him in town and claim back your stuff

  • Are you making a thumbnail for me?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Hey, I saw your game on trending! I’ll try to make it.

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Isn’t this kind of advertising though?

if that were the case,
every thumbnail request would be advertising because you only put the title of the game.

in my opinion,


Yeah, but he’s asking us to play his game instead of giving us details on what he wants. Are you sure it isn’t advertising?

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ok :person_shrugging: I still think it’s technically advertising.

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i mean i guess but it is kinda but kat_aronii is kinda right if this is advertising so is every other thumbnail request. and the only reason why i didn’t give that much information is becuase there is a lot and it would just be easier to play the game instead.

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You can select the title of the poll…
Saw ur game and played it lol

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what kind of stroy line is this?
can you explain please

it would be easier if you played

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what are you talking about???

This is advertising.
Just say:
The Gims you want
What the Gims are doing
The setting
and the title

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i agree @THEHACKER120

should i flag them if not let me know ok

I love creative freedom so ill let you put any gims you want but it needs this logo (can be any color you want)

Erm… what the sigma is that famous Gimkit Forums and Wix Mod user @Kat_aronii who just recently won Finalist of the Gimkit Awards and is a liked member of the community

I’m honored

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This is mine:

Wow, this litterlaly saolves evrthing

You made the story mode gimkit?
I played it!
the prop art was AWESOME

It looks good but it doesn’t really follow the lore or my prompt. I just want a gim in a town