Thumbnail Request... MHM

1–Mental Health Matters

2–A game where you go through and help someone with mental health

3–the inside of a brain

4–Drizzle, Inferno, Shadeborn, Daisy, and then A gim/ person who looks like N from MD.

5–Drizzle and inferno are facing right looking at N, and Shadeborn and Daisy are facing left looking at N.

Its for my mental health matters game


@Kat_aronii If possible Auntie kat I would want you to do it.also know as if you have time
BUT if someone else wants to make it as well you can…

can i make a thumbnail :slight_smile:
also hi N

You can make a thumbnail, i just want to say it may not be used incase someone else makes on that I really like, just wanted to make that known…
also hey V

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maybe. we’ll see

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Thank you Auntie Kat!

can i bump this?
just asking

I could make one

Ill be willing to accept a Thumnail from you, but just like I told @serial_destination_V If someone else makes one and I like it more, yours may not be used, but if I like it, its most likely gonna be used.

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Don’t pin Kat_aronii, I think she prefers not to be pinged. (pung, idk)


@N_MD N_md I will not be able to do this as I do it in pixel art style.

I’ll make one, i just need…
Due date and game name

Um the due date is when ever you can, I just hope to have it done by next Tuesday so the 21st and the name is “Mental Health Matters”
Thank you <3
@Spydecraft245 if you want to make one, you can!

Thats is okay, i appreciate you trying to help, you have a good day!

ill do this and have it done in about 2 days? at the most 3
Got alot of HM

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Take your time, it doesnt have to be done ASAP, just as long as its done by the 21st

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Wdym by that?

like this
kinda wavy i guess?
download (1)

So like the inside of a brain?

Yes, that is correct lol, I think I coulda worded that better, apologies!

It’s ok,