Thumbnail request for a rainbow obby

Sorry I’m late to closing. Looks like @VoidFluffy wins this vote, congrats! Sorry @targaryen1387 and everyone else who submitted a thumbnail. Ill be releasing the game at 2pm tomorrow for anyone who wants to play. (P.S. How do you end/solution a post? I heard you have to click the “check box” but again I’m slow and can’t find one lol.)


you have to change the category to “devices” first and then you’ll find the checkboxes and then mark a solution and change the category back to art because you cant mark a solution in the art category

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switch to devices and you’ll find one:)

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Wait a minute, how do you do that? I’m sorry I’m so slow :rofl:

Edit the original post and change the category to devices

Not me still not knowing how :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ll move the post to Devices, then you click the checkmark on my thumbnail, then I’ll move it back. Sound good?

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Thanks for putting up with me @VoidFluffy lol, sounds perfect thanks!

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Thumbnail request for a rainbow obby - #110 by VoidFluffy Mark this instead, no problem lol

nah bro I voted for fluffy
I get u meant no harm dw


He probably just assumed that because there was only one vote on yours you were that vote. I’m sure he meant no harm or anything? Besides I’m surprised yours only got one vote


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