Thumbnail request for a rainbow obby

Voting will end at 4pm tomorrow!


im losing lol

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Surely you’ll catch up! I believe in you

Aw MANNNN so many people did this and now im sad i didnt cause it looks fun to make :(


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what website do you use to make art?

She doesn’t use a website she uses a app, the app is ibix paint I’m pretty sure

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-Gim shape needs to be more accurate
-There is no shading or coloring or anything, making it very bland
-Text is wonky
-Lines are uneven
-Overall low effort thumbnail

Fun fact, I’ve observed that if a thumbnail has only one vote its highly likely that the creator voted for themself… @bob_the_tomato @gimkit101 (I can’t vote for myself because I have two thumbnails and besides I would never do that :skull:)

The battle begins. Who will win?

Hand Drawn,

I guess you’re right, I don’t think those people will win though. I didn’t know you could make it to where you could see who voted at first because I was already late in making the poll and rushed a little. If I ever need another thumbnail at some point in the future I’ll probably do that.

VoidFluffys is in the lead so far! If you haven’t voted, please make sure to do so!

fluffy’s second thumbnail is SO COOL

go fluffy go go! i’m rooting for her! >:D

edit: people voting for themselves lmao


She might win, at this point it’s between her and Targaryen’s thumbnail. They really are neck and neck. Your thumbnail still has a chance at beating them though!

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I love your animations speedykd : 3
also lmao


2 more minutes until closing! @Rainbow

@VoidFluffy, I didn’t vote for myself. I had fun making the thumbnail, but I realized it wasn’t going to get chosen the second you made a thumbnail.

oh lol…

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If you say so… could you prove it so we can be sure? send screenshot of the voting area and DON’T PHOTOSHOP IT.

ok ill try to improve my skills and weaknesses :+1: