Thumbnail Request for a GimBall game!

looks awesome thank you very much

i need to eat dinner I come back in a few min.

Alright, I’m done, here it is:

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Yeah, but the forums were mainly for GKC and anyone who was off topic from this subject would be flagged. By following that logic that would mean thumbnail requests would flagged because its not about GKC and about promotional topics.

  1. Artists like being pinged (mab not u, but def me) and it doesn’t mean you have to do it.
  2. It’s not a command. You might not see the post and the person who posted might not get a thumbnail. Again, you don’t have to accept it.
  3. It’s not for no reason. Those are all artists that like making thumbnails.
  4. Just because you didn’t put tags, morpeko saw your work and thought it was really good, and she thought you wanted to get pinged because of you amazing thumbnail. (compliment alert)

Well, technically, it is about gimkit creative, it is relevant to the game and a thumbnail is required for posting a game on discovery. I could go on about this for literal DAYS, so…
Can we end it here?

Sure, because it’s time for Mr. art critic to show up and criticize these thumbnails.


Alright I am sorry @William but @SAD has a better thumbnail than you cause he has followed my description so Thank You @William and @SAD

No problem, just wanted to help.

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Guys no point for an argument

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you didn’t make them, you asked them to. Like fifteen different people
Ok at this point just go ahead with doing this, just stop mentioning me.
There are like ten different posts from the last day or so with you or somebody else mentioning like fifteen different people to do thumnails :rofl:
ok whatever, just stop pinging me

Ok sheesh i get it stop making suchhhh a big plot-all of us just stop replueing

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  1. It’s not free labor. Artists are willing to do it.

that’s sarcasm and I feel like it’s mocking me.

  1. Those ten plus people are all artists.They all make thumbnails. A lot of them like being pinged. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone.

oop sorry morepeko I didn’t see ur post before I replied

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Art Criticisms


I like the shadows with the font and with the trophy, but its not applied to the gims. also

  1. Sunny is in pre design format. Automatic red flag.
  2. There is one sunny gim and blastball gims everywhere else. If that’s the referee, then use Fair Play.
  3. Black font on a background that has multiple colors. However that’s fine if you wanna keep the shadow. However it is off center.
  4. Trophy and background don’t feel right with the gims.
  1. Gims Designs Aae In pre redesign format however this is constant so good job I guess.
  2. Blastballs are nowhere to seen and are replace with soccer balls which don’t exist.
  3. One of the ninja gims has a weird head and another has weird legs. What’s up with that?
  4. There are street fighter VS logos everywhere when there only needs to be one.
  5. The title of the game is a little small in comparison to the actual thumbnail. (At least its centered)

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Hey guys, let’s not do this (summon artists by tagging them). It irritates the people being summoned.

They know what to look for if they’re looking for some art comissions!