Thumbnail Request for a GimBall game!

no just Gims thats all and make a trophy in the middle pls


ball too?

nope I dont want it

Would u like to be summoned next time?

Why do i see this everyday. I am tired of seeing thumbnail requests. Get yourself a picture from a stock images website and make your own thumbnail. This is not what this place is for. This place is for creative maps and creative map help. What has happened.

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this is helping me!!!

@T_Sonic54 why did you paste it twice

Amen to that

IT wouldnā€™t let me use all caps

Wait, guys. Thumbnail requests arenā€™t all bad. While there may be many, they are still important for the Gimkit Creative community as having a good thumbnail is crucial for publishing maps. Personally, I tend to only play games that have an eye-catching thumbnail, as it shows that the game creator has put time and effort into their game.

While some people may not be artists or have the skills to create their own thumbnails, these requests can help them out. However, I do agree that some posts can get off-topic, but that doesnā€™t mean that they are all useless. In the end, these requests do not harm anyone and can be easily skipped if they are not of interest.

Overall, my point is that even though there are a lot of thumbnail requests, they are still essential to the game and can be helpful to users. We shouldnā€™t block all requests on the forum.

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Alright Iā€™ve finished mine tell me what you think.

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beautiful thanks! for the thing anyone else?

You canā€™t just notify people with commands for labor. Iā€™d make a thumbnail If I saw this post, but given youā€™re just summoning random people for seemingly no reason, Iā€™ll pass. Why is my account even there? I didnā€™t put any artist tags on my profile or anything.

I just noticed that you asked for a trophy to be in the middle of the teams would you like me to add one?

sure pls yes
It will make the design betta

Give me 5 more minutes, Iā€™m almost done.

Uhhhh 1. Theyā€™re good artist 2. I saw ur work and thought our art was fire so when this person wanted a thumbnail, i pinged u 3. Im sorry if u dont like being pinged, sorry

kay you have take your time

Alright hereā€™s the version with the trophy.