Thumbnail requеst

Im trying to make a thumbnail for my game but I can’t make a thumbnail because I’m bad at drawing if you make one for me I’ll give you credit.

For anyone who wants to try.

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You mean a thumbnail, right?

Yea that’s what I meant

Use this format:

For all the artists out there. Also, rename the topic as a thumbnail request not a background.(You don’t have to change the name, but I think more artists would click on this if it’s a thumbnail request.

Yes, we have exactly NO IDEA what you want.

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Also, I MIGHT do this if we get details.
Previous work: (the image wouldn’t show so here’s a link)

“As an artist, I can work with minimal context, but there’s literally no context in what @Slim_shady912 is saying. What do you mean by ‘background’? A blue background? A green one? Be specific! I can’t read minds, buddy.”

Ok I want to make a game where there is a platformer and the people fight each other to get points but you have to get to the end

whoa whoa whoa… USE THE FORMAT I’ll make a quick sketch based on what you told us but this is not enough

Ok I’m sorry I’m not good at explaining stuff :frowning_face:

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You’re all good, just follow the format and everything will be fine. you’ve already done one step!

anyways, here’s my sketch:

  1. Name of Game:Only up but knock back
  2. Summary of Game:Only up but you have to get knock outs to win
  3. Setting : blue sky and any blocks for parkour blocks
  4. Title only up with bold red words
  5. What gims you want to used: honestly you can choose wich ones look better
  6. What the gims are doing: one is shotting the other gim with snowball launcher while the other one runs away doing parkour
  7. Author of Game: Im him

Got it! Also, may I add another gim falling?

Yea sure if you feel like it and btw add credit to yourself in the thumbnail! Or tell me how to credit you

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Well, I’ll credit myself, I always do, but if you do use mine, you could put me in the description or something, I don’t really care though

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Ok got it thanks for the help!!!

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And, one final question, is the author literally “Im him,” or are you just saying you’re the author?

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No put stuff is da best because that’s my name

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Got it! One medium-rare thumbnail coming right up!

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