Thumbnail need for platformer

I need a thumbnail for my game. It’s a platformer and I’m fine with any gims, style and other things

What is the name?

Ok, but whats the title? and what should the gims be doing?
Welcome to the forums @ClodsireSatire! if you’re new but we need a bit more details


ahhhhh, again…

please PLEASE


more details, PLEASE MORE DETAILS I don’t understand anything…

EDIT: Thumbnail Request Format


What kind of platformer is it/the theme (so I know what props to add)

Honestly its just a platformer so and I’m thinking of a name but the gims should be doing parkour
Edit: The name is Battle Peaks (Couldn’t think of anything else :sweat_smile: feel free to tell me any other ideas! )

So is it just random objects their jumping on?

Probably Grass or sand

Have you made the game yet?

Also I would prefer if the gims had zappers or something as its part of the game.

Yes I just need a thumbnail

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I might do this one but I have other requests I need to tend to first. Feel free to ping me if you want to make sure I’m still doing it (preferably 2-3 days from now)

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I’ll do it, just might not be tonight. School tomorrow will be terrible.

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That’s fine I can wait

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could you please transfer all the information you have (thumbnail details) to the description, it will be easier for everyone to understand, instead of reading the whole post to get enough information,

thank you

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Here is a reference for what you say.

I already did the
