Thumbnail Idea needed!

This is mine:


That’s pretty good. Can you make it be more like the movie/book?

I can’t make one, but possible suggestions… a gim holding a bow, 75th hunger games arena, capitol seal, etc.

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I can do this. (im amazing at devices, but i am not good at art)

So 1 do you know how to make a live player counter

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Not really. I focus mainly on designs.

here, you can use this for a live player counter.
Now, set the target value for the counter to [a set amount]
Then, when the target value is reached, you can transmit on channel. Then, make the setries disapear, when the target value is reached

This is also a very good guide. I accually recomend this one then the other one, scicnce v2 is more modeern and better


Do y’all like mine?


ehh don’t look that good cuz the background is irl and not that shady


the background is a bit weird, and you made your name really bold. you shouldn’t do that, instead, make it blend in with background or just dont add it at all

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thank you for the backup

hey, question, why are you still on the forums, i thought everyone be eating dinner or sleeping by now. (dont judge, after all, I am still on the forums right now)

ANyways,how should i improve mine?


pls stay on this topic


Sure I can add more shade

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I think it is fine but you could add a gim with a quantum portal.

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but the background doesn’t look right

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where should i add it?

The background is to real-life. Sry!

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You need to add more weapons too, especially the middle.

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