Thumbnail Help (Yall are all amazing)

If anyone is just joining here are the details for the thumbnail: We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim trying to ‘ki ll’ the gim who is protecting the bed.

Anyone can try I like drawing thumbnails btw

Here’s An Updated One:

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Pretty good, waiting for others, good job man

So now I have 4 artists im waiting for, then ill make a poll. (void, ilikeprops, bob6000, gimguy)

@bob6000 @gim_guy, I sommon you too! details for the thumbnail: We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim trying to ‘ki ll’ the gim who is protecting the bed.

I believe u were already warned to not do that.

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oops sorry i forgot lol

dont ping me while im in class

like look at my bio next time
it says when you can ping me

Im very sorry bro! I forgot not to ping

If anyone is just joining here are the details for the thumbnail: We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim trying to ‘ki ll’ the gim who is protecting the bed.

if you can, try your best to make a drawn. Because drawn looks better.

If anyone is just joining here are the details for the thumbnail: We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim trying to ‘ki ll’ the gim who is protecting the bed.

Dude. I think you got all the art that you’re going to get.


bro had enough :skull: :skull: :skull:


I can try to make a thumbnail

Oop sorry guys, might not have one until tomorrow night : /

Guys, im waiting on people. Meanwhile, ill try to get as much people as possible.

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details for the thumbnail: We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim trying to ‘ki ll’ the gim who is protecting the bed.