Thumbnail Help (Yall are all amazing)

If anyone is just joining here are the details for the thumbnail: We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim trying to ‘ki ll’ the gim who is protecting the bed.

Here’s mine in case u didn’t get it

maybe try to make sunnies legs spread out like they are jumping

I will try tmrw
Good suggestion

I have finally finished:
wait lemme add my name in there

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Okay updated:

@bobithan those this work?




grass? huh? Should I fix that?


No, its just funny, in a cartoon world you have Grass like that, XD
I needa go touch grass

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Oh lol yeah

Here’s my thumbnail:

Let me know if you need anything else!

Or this:

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Amazing! Waiting for others then making a poll :slight_smile:

I updated mine:


the poeple im waiting for- (void, ilikeprops)

Just learned how to add shadows, huh? Keep it up, my friend.

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Lol yeah just did ty

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I noticed… ever since the thumbnail wikis were closed there has been an increase on the amount of thumbnail posts… ( Don’t judge me for just now noticing )

Yeah, it’s a thing. Hopefully people get out of this phase eventually, because it’s really boring right now on the forums.


GUYS, CAN MOVE ONTO PADLETS OR SOMETHING? (sorry, didn’t realize caps were on)