Thumbnail Help (Yall are all amazing)

Thats amazing! Great job

I’m a she/her.
will send in a sec


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updated version.
ps i’m a girl

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So you’ve said

yes, I know that. Just repeating myself to make it clear. Is there a problem with that?

20 charecters blah blah

huh that didn’t work

That looks so good! (if you do not mind, could you make a thumbnail for me, I can draw but not that good)


sure! send me the link to the post :smiley:

I didn’t make a thumbnail post, so it doesn’t clog the forum’s, I will make one now tho


Imma try @Coffee to make one too for you :smile:

here is the post

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Great, ur a talented aritst

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how do you make such good art?

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The main thing is shading and perspective


haha, it’s not that good.

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now this is a person who understands art

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