Made by Ayden1. I would like for Solaria (the solar eclipse gim) running from the pink evil plant. The setting should be self explanatory.
what’s the setting?
ok, I can make one
I might make one, is it ok if i make it look cartoony?
Yes it is fine, I really don’t care what style it is in.
falls down some stairs
Ima make one
(How many stairs am i gonna fall down ;-; )
Love the signature in the corner
i might try :3
I can’t make one anymore, laptop is being buggy
Isnt this you third time doing a thumbnail after me
I feel like im being followed
All good
Any ways, time to do the tradintional way out
ian leaves the place, then falls down more stairs
lol…sorry just finding random thumnails i feel like doing…
Tbh, i am following you
I’m joking but i did push you down the stairs
Plus, only few thumbnail topics are intresting
Edit: i just got two badges at the same time
It looks really good! Good job.
This sounds fun. I’ll do it.
Nice job Spydecraft
turns to my left
Yay, grapefruit joined in the thumbnail request
Here’s the sketch. Tell me if I need to change anything
I also used that one meme of the kid running away from the floating guy in a hallway as a ref
It is fine. I like it!
Yes, i never thought this day would come
I only can edit
But uhhh,
The thumbnail of your game
That isnt mine
Srry if i confused you grapefruit
Cant type normally anymore