Thumbnail for my new Castle Defense game

So I’ve asked this before but can someone make a thumbnail for my Castle Defense game. It needs to have a castle in the background, a forest path. If possible then a pirate sentry and any gim (Prob basic) trying to break in to the castle along the path. The defense are as such, pirate sentrys or plant lasers (Not needed to be including but only if you wish) . Thanks for reading and I hope people respond

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If you asked this before, why did you do a repost? (I can’t make it right now, sorry btw!)

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Its okay, just no one ever responded so I decided to repost it, also sorry if its against the rules.

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We’ll let it slide since your new.

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You could of just BUMPED it.

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I just started this, I don’t know how to do most of this. Can we just get to the topic

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Oke, just wait for some people to COOK

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So anyone gonna help? (Not being rude just seeing if this bumps it)

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yeah sure what do you need???

This stuff I posted up top, thanks for reading the request. The most important things are the castle the forest and any gim

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ok what do you need help with

I had attempted previously to make the thumbnail but it looked pretty bad and I ended up deleting it

Screenshot 2024-05-16 7.26.02 AM
This was it so far

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oooooooooooooooooh fancy nice work :star_struck: :star_struck:

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I didn’t know what font to put, if you want you can add it yourself.
if you want anything added let me know.

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Thanks I think i’ ll use this one