Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

Not done yet by no means, but is the title just “Untitled water game” if so do you want that on the thumbnail? @The_block_of_doom

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Imma try to make a thumbnail but imma start on it tomorrow and might get it finished by tomorrow since this is a simple prompt

It is called that @Rainbow

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Its called that? lol

I’ll change the title then…

Unfortunately, I’m probably going to need the weekend in order to finish this project (between school, other thumbnails, and tutoring others), are you willing to wait that long for mine?

yes,for now i will use @JDAT_Is_Cool thumbnail

You’re not going to wait for everyone to finish?

firstly all of you creating this can put there thumbnail credit and made by the_block_of_doom

no i will use his for now after all of you finish i will rate them and the one with the most stars i will use

Oh, your not doing a poll? (It’s my fault I should have asked earlier)

i gotta go to online school now bye see ya later

I think I understand what you’re going to do now. On that note, I will not be finishing this thumbnail. Hopefully you can get someone else to do it, best of luck.


I’m offended. . .

you should let the community pick but that’s my personal opinion

since ur gonna choose which one you think is best instead of letting the community do it bc community decided thumbnails are better, I’m not gonna finish mine. Good luck buddy!!! (I was at least halfway done too. . . so much wasted effort. . .)

Char out!!!


I would like to ask a question @The_block_of_doom
I would like to know when the game is going to be published?

when the thumbnail is finished

and also @Char i changed my mind i will let the community pick

I was summoned! You changed your mind? On that note, I will continue to create your thumbnail :smile: (I just personally don’t like to make thumbnails for people who choose which one they want)

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I’ll get straight to work.
I’m kinda advanced with thumbnail making

Some of the thumbnails I've made

Will there be a poll?(I just like seeing my name in big, bold, letters and the feeling of knowing that someone likes my artwork)


Too easy!

I win!

Not trying to be proud or prideful or smth

I use Kleki art tool to paint btw


Not bad @gimkitnoobie and yes there will be a poll

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