Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

Did you just change your name??? Or was it always that


@Moyai Whose @MarleyHiggins? I don’t know her

Lets not get offtopic but

When I originally created my acc, I thought it was asking me for my legal name not my username. I was also too chicken to email the mods until now lol. I just didn’t like the fact that my user was my name ya know?


Sorry for being so off topic, you a girl :open_mouth: ???


You talking to me? If so yeah. I thought everyone knew I was-


it looks decent, add some detail on it to make it better


Oh yeah! Ofc I’m gonna add details! I was just trying to make sure I had a basic idea of what you wanted

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oh yeah ive been watching


Looks great @JDAT_Is_Cool!

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not bad i may use that but ill wait for @Rainbow to finish

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Yeah thank you! Like I said though, I’m gonna need at least 2-3 days

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I like yours so far cant wait to see the finished product

Hows i the thumbnail going @Rainbow

Its going. I’m still drawing the first “water” gim. I have to make sure it looks at least a little bit like the actual gim

Sorry im going offtopic but do you like ny new pfp

Btw snoopy do you wanna make one?

HMm maybe whats the due date?

dont worry about the due date there isnt one

@Rainbow are you finished?i am waiting for you

No, I’m not done. I told you I would need ATLEAST 2-3 days probably more! You said there was no due date correct? (kinda seems like your rushing me, just know that if you are it will be a really bad thumbnail) I didn’t mean it in a rude way lol

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i am not rushing you i am just checking on you to see how much you have done

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