Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

I had to factory reset, cuz Canva is showing Error 400
The server ain’t responding so uhhhh
I lost the thumbnail

i restarted my thumbnail :moyai:

That just sucks

he/she is just offended by lots of constructive critcsim

@Aubec7 that was like 1-2 days ago, lets stay on topic!

yeah mb, it took me to that top of the page because of the “last seen” so I thought that was today

Np, it did the same for me too


Sorry I had some silly stuff going on so I can’t be super active lots


Thumbnail Update
Background is done
This is the new one btw

I’m using Sumo now
Me personally I think it’s better than Kleki


It was post 60, but here’s proof that I wasn’t being haughty.

Now I’m getting back on topic.


do not worry evryone
i am totally fine with my thumbnail :skull:

What is your thumbnail?
I’m sure it looks good.

i will not download it now cuz it would take up memory
(idk how to screenshot on my current device so uh… yeah.)

heres my goofy ahh thumbnail:
Untitled design (1)
i await your taunting and constructive criticsm that makes my mind go up in flames
first thumbnail i’ve made for someone else’s game
dont expect me to be so good at computer drawing.


If you don’t photoshop (unless it’s actually good and took time) and you put in effort into your drawing, then I think it’s great. Doesn’t mean it won’t be criticized. But it’s not the worst. My first thumbnail… was… very “pretty.” Just keep practicing!


i use a old computer for this
press F to pay respect to my fingers…

i’ll just let the community decide on this one

  • Fluffys thumbnail
  • Gimkitnoobie’s thumbnail
0 voters

@here apologies for ping, but i would like to resolve this issue once and for all :]


That’s the actual color the sky is :skull:
And credits will be in the game description, I believe.
If credits are too large it will take away from the art.

Also, I know what I’m doing.
Not to flex, but I won 3rd place for the Gimkit Awards in Fanart- aka drawing Gimkit related stuff.

Seems like you’re just grasping for straws.


fluffy do u like my thumbnail
i really want the thumbnail god to look at it and decide

It’s kind of messy.
Try experimenting with layers to make the lineart above the coloring, and take your time when making each line.

To make them smoother, you can turn on smoothing or stabilizer in your settings.
Search a few yt tutorials on making your art cleaner and smoother.