Soooooo, I recently logged on to see Josh’s post about images. (Look at it if you haven’t seen it.) And I started freaking out because of the chance of thumbnails being deleted. So I don’t know if it affected the art in Gimkit. But I’m still going to make a request.
So let’s get started, first of all, my request is a little strange because I literally could go on Google and get a picture. But tbh I wanna see what you guys can cook up for me. EPIC TRANSITION!! Just kidding, I got nothing. let’s get into it…
(1.) Name: Get Trolled… (2.) Summary: Basically you just get trolled lol… (3.) Setting: I honestly don’t really know, so just make the background black or something… (4.) Gim/Gim’s: I just want 1 gim, that being a troll gim… (5.) Gim/Gim’s Actions: He’s just standing there looking at you menacingly … (6.) Author: Gravity…
Idk why I did all of that, but basically all I want is a Troll gim in the middle of the screen taking up space while he stares at you, and maybe give him hands if you wanna. And a black screen behind him. More details if you ask. Peace.
Well, I have some things to respond to, but first off @Halloween_Coster, I did the topic as numbers just cause… I didn’t know how many thumbnails had been created. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
And second of all! Yes, the Memers have been summoned opun creating of which thy needs to be. Thank you… Indeed of which is to come shall be great, I shall regard this in my favor for being the best…