"This room will explode!"

Cant help you there but possibly because there are more of them.


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Ok, thank you for pointing that out :heart:


I’m Just asking, Is gamingwolf banned?

yes, he is gone for good

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for good?!
not even when he turns 13?!

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the poll officially closes in 2 weeks!
Snoopy is at 61%!
Fedora is at 29%!
JDAT is at 7%
kirbyking is at 3%
snoopy is absolutely dominating


The poll closes in 5 days!
So far Snoopy is in the lead
Bumpity bump bump
just need to remind yall


Congrats @SnoopyOTG you have won the poll!

Woohoo thanks you guys who voted me if I’m being honest the thumbnail I made was trash compared to what I make now in my opinion but thanks anyway

can u put ur name below the timer? and can u put @bob_the_tomato where your name was (bc i managed to change my name yippiee)

is it ok if I do that tomorrow kinda busy at the moment

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no problem! i only want my game to come out when the season begins
but best choice is to do it asap because you never know, it might start tommorow


here you go

The season begins on August 21 @bob_the_tomato

@bob_the_tomato How did you change your username!?! I need help on how to do that could you tell me how?

message the moderators and then they can change it @kirbyking

How do Message Them @bob_the_tomato ?

choose groups
press moderators
then check the top right because it says message,
now lets get back on topic (ik this was off topic btw)

Yeah Back On topic
My thumbnail was last :frowning:

no it tied for last, but urs was better than Jdats’s no offence to jdat