"This room will explode!"

i need it for when the season begins again
it is called “This room will explode!”
i need a worried gim strapped on a chair
and there is a string connecting a bom(b) to the chair,
btw the game is a series of levels you need to complete in order to escape the bom(b)

Which Thumbnail is better
  • Fedora
  • kirbyking
  • SnoopyOTG
  • JDAT_Is_Cool
0 voters

I’ll Try!
Gimme a day or two


You can right <.> to hide words just don’t use a period

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Like this


Mind blown, I’ve always wondered how some people are able to do less than 20, while I have to do it. :exploding_head:


i will try to make one but it takes a bit of time

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I can make one. My work is in here: :first_quarter_moon: :new_moon: :last_quarter_moon:


this is what i have Making the art was hard
sorry had to import a picture of a gim im bad of making them


Use Upload Image – remove.bg to remove the white background in the picture of the gim.


i just use copy paste from the wiki on fandom

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I just figured out I did the wrong length T-T
now I have to restart I’m so sry!

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Can you just minimize your whole drawing and move it to the right canvas?

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no but on the but on the bright side now I can make it more detailed then the last one


pls have more people working on this

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I can maybe do one, tomorrow.
:sparkles: previous art :sparkles:

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Kinda concerned about this post. Can we make sure the content we have here is rated G? Remember, if you can’t show your Gimkit game to the whole school, it’s not fit for Gimkit.

I know you are trying to show other people your art to show how good you are, but why? Like you are going to make one so why would they care about past they want new and present art, for this topic. Not trying to be rude or mean just found it peculiar.

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uhh @meepeygamer567 there is literally no reason for concern

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I saw an image of a Gim tied up it appears. Even if there isn’t any non-school appropriate content in your game, let’s keep it school appropriate alright?

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Voidfluffy and other artists have been doing it for months, maybe even a year. Why is this the first time I’ve seen you post about it? (not trying to be mean)

And @meepeygamer567 I can see why this post is a bit violent. The game might not be too bad, but the thumbnail could be possibly reported (and might cause your game to be taken down), so keep that in mind.