Thumbnail for immume:virus

thanks chunky the requirements are on the top

Sorry, Planet Floof Beach is exclusive to Team Spacie for now.


Back on topic!

But first…


@VoidFluffy, I like it with the new thumbnail!.. Again. Might I ask what “Team Spacie” is, and what the reoccuring animal on your thumbnails?

you know people can see the original post by clicking on the pencil… Here’s some advice: Never take real-life photos for privacy, just take screenshots.

1 Like
  1. Something that will not be disclosed.
  2. Something that will not be disclosed.
  3. Don’t say “back on topic” then proceed to write off-topic. It’s rather hypocritical.
chunky's art gallery
since I have no where else to put it,
I'll just direct yall to here.

Immune virus thumbnail

Mt Gim

Among us

Contrast Battlegrounds

Final Stand

ultimate flag frenzy

the test chamber

bed wars
(removed Elemental Wars thumbnail because its horrible, trust me you don’t want to see it)

other art
Untitled_Artwork (1)


I’m sorry, but I have seen others do the exact same thing and they were not scolded for it. Also, the was supposed to a complement. Now I’m off-topic again. I might not say it. nobody listens to me. :cold_sweat:

order i put it in does not mean anything
close by monday

  • snoopy
  • chunky
  • gimspace
0 voters

please vote



Screenshot 2024-07-04 7.04.05 PM


Screenshot 2024-07-04 7.03.33 PM

I will finish mine today!

I love kurzgusaut!!!

Sorry, that was off-topic

aw dang it mine was so close, well good job chunky

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Aw well too late ig.

lol I was just about a finish mine

You should still post it…
To both of you, @VoidFluffy and @Blackjack. Maybe one of them will be so exceptional it will be overriden.

nah, I’m good. I already spent a lot of energy on another thumbnail, I don’t feel like finishing this one lol

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yep same

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oh im back should i close the vote

The dragon looks like Gummigoo :3