The Ultimate Guide to Traps, Tricks, Pranks, and Trolls [LENGTH WARNING šŸ˜ˆ ]

Hello! Iā€™m new to Gimkit Creative and these forums, so can someone help me out, please?

Hello, welcome to the forums!

Read the TOS and FAQ for the rules.

Post in Help for GKC Questions, Community Made Guides if you want to make a mechanic to benefit the community, Devices for device help and device theories and post in Bugs for GKC bugs.

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I added it because this guide is VERY long. You could add it to the wiki, as it is 201 + ideas longā€¦

Anyway, Iā€™m going offline nowā€¦

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Welcome to the forum @BaconSoupLover what do you need help with? (make sure it is about wikis or troll stuf or you might be flagged)

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Getting started with this Gimkit Creative thing. How does it work, exactly?

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How does GKC work? The forums or the game?

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Pretty much. I have a friend whose username on these forums is BendyTheInkDemon.

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Honestly that is for a different topicā€¦first read @Haiasiā€™s guides and links there and if still having trouble make a topic asking thisā€¦because right now someone is probably going to flag this soon for off topicā€¦

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Welcome to the forums! Donā€™t forget to read new-user-must-read and beginner-must-read!

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How did you get to the forum if you donā€™t know how Gimkit works?
Were you invited by a friend.

To sum it up, Gimkit is an educational game where teachers and students can host maps to have a better and fun learning experience.

In the 11th of May, The Gimkit Team released Gimkit Creative, a Gimkit Gamemode where you can create your own maps, up to three slots without the season ticket and paying money in real life.

I suggest taking the GKC tutorial first.

Look in beginner-must-read and look in The Ultimate Guide to every device, that should give you an idea on how Gimkit Creative works.


Oh bendyā€¦ why canā€™t he explain it? (not being rude just I know he likes descriptions and is smart)

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My friend @BendyTheInkDemon invited me here. Also, your description is very interesting, @Haiasi !


@BaconSoupLover if you need help with something in particular make a help post. Now letā€™s get back on topic to the subject of This guide.


Haha, also, letā€™s not get off-topic.
This forum should only be about GKC and off-topic messages can be flagged.
(Reported and then deleted)

Use the wixsite if you want to off-topic post and share game codes and GKC Publish Links as they are not allowed here.


Thank you! I will try and use all of this to make the forums a better place for newcomers and me! :blush:


@Blizzy maybe we could try to recreate an error screen using barriers (collision off) for the error screen base and add invisible barriers (collision on) so the player canā€™t move?

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evil cackles


(post deleted by author)

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I added my black hole trap post

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Itā€™s already in there, under Tricks
I moved it