The Ultimate Guide to PvP

The PvP doc has moved

Thanks to @California_Love for making my wiki!


Not that i’m being mean or anything, but this seems kinda off topic. It’s a great guide, but it could be veered more to GKC. Maybe tips for making a pvp game?

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SO yeah, that was what some people told me, but they said as long as I put everything in one guide, it is ok

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I changed my title, and I put a tug tag on it…
Is that permitted?

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I could make this a wiki for you, if you’d like, or make it from here.
I can tell this will take a while.

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im pretty sure he´s finished… why would you make a wiki about this if its finished?



  1. This guide is really good, but it needs more pictures and needs to be more structurally organized; that type of thing would take a while for average people.

  2. This guide is very detailed and also needs to have an introduction explaining what PVP is, because on a chance of 80% nobody knows what that is.

  3. Wikis can be edited forever and if you make mistakes or anything, they can be fixed. You have a 30-day limit for editing on topics like this.

Overall, it’s a pretty nice guide! I don’t have to make one, but if you want to make other parts of it, that’s recommended. I’ll drop a like for it… :heart:

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nice guide. :smiley:

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I think it should be a wiki for ppl to share pvp tips etc.


@LoneWolf, you want me to provide pictures for all the weapons because I’m still working on the Blaster?

All pictures of Blaster bullets on terrian so far.

Asphalt to Blue Dungen Tile.

Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.24.20 AM
Blastball Court:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.25.10 AM
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.26.10 AM
Green Castle Tile:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.27.05 AM
Purple Castle Tile:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.27.50 AM
Red Castle Tile:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.28.40 AM
Cinama Carpet:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.29.55 AM
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.30.42 AM
Cracked Oak:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.31.19 AM
Dark Scraps:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.32.04 AM
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.33.18 AM
Disco Floor:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.34.05 AM
Dry Grass:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.34.46 AM
Blue Dungen Tile:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.35.26 AM

I’ll do more later.

I think this is useful, and due to the lack of a regular Gimkit forum, this would be the only place to put it, so I think it fits in fine.

If you can make this a wiki
Thank you so much @Captain-Gim for the pictures, if it becomes a wiki, be sure to add it into the guide
(ALso, you use a chrome book? SAME)


Alright. I’m going to have to make an entirely new topic…
sorry for the late response…

Here you go.

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Why would anyone need that.

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Ir would help in battle which can be made in creative. This allows for people to more strageticlly choose their terrian and parts when making a map. Also, I find it intresting.

They could just start the game and see.

Do u mean @Epi320 not @LoneWolf ?

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Yeah, I think he misclicked.
Anyways, sorry you got pinged, did you want to edit this wiki?

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