šŸ“œ The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Decorations

You can go from Dragon to wizard. I am just Drakon. Also, can we be allies? You can allie with DAB but I wonā€™t j0in.

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Technically, itā€™s the other way around - as a Wizard I can assume any form. :rofl:

Sure! Youā€™re the Wizard Councilā€™s first ally! :man_mage: Ok - do you know anyone who might like to join?


Wow! Itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve been here!
Iā€™m going to give this a :bear: bear bumpā„¢ :bear: !
Because others need to add more stuff, in my opinionā€¦


Everyone that is @here, I have an announcement.
:memo: Do not go to the :gift: Holiday Art Wiki to add your art. You can them here now.
I removed and closed the topic because itā€™d be easier to have everything here.

This gets the

:sparkles: PROPS SEAL OF APPROVAL :sparkles:


:bear: Reusable Bear bumpā„¢ :bear:
Letā€™s add some more holidays guys!

Also bumping this again!


May I propose we shall add Motherā€™s Day and Fatherā€™s Day? That would be AWESOME! :cheese:


atheism isnā€™t a religion
its literally the opposite
they donā€™t believe in a higher power
just saying, you might want to move it from that section

Why the heck is there an Atheist Religion day here? What-

its not a religion, as I just said

Same. Well, I just think itā€™s odd.

ayo should I add Easter and Christmas and St Patrickā€™s day to the religious holidays

Iā€™m bumping this because itā€™s been dead for about three months!!
Itā€™s weird no one has came back to this!
I mean, really.


I need to add some more holidays to this, but it wonā€™t be anytime soon.


It is. Shame no one came back.


Atheism could be interpreted as a religion representing the lack of religion, I guess.

the lack of religion literally is the opposite of religion

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Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day should be on there lmao