i didnt know that .______.
Yeah, a lot of people don’t know. You can scroll to the bottom if you want to unwatch a topic.
I’ll work on it later, I saved my progress in a Google Doc, so you can fix the image now…
nice guide @BountyHunterX
Ok! I fixed the image. I’ll probably continue tomorrow!
It might be because of the “extreme load,” though…
Hey, instead of saying “Nice guide”, you know you can like the topic instead?
Strange, it was working for me when I posted it. I’ll see it this persists tomorrow and if it does I’ll just try again.
Sorry I actedentally clicked the checkmark- I undid it tho sorry
Oh, truthfully I completely forgot about this.
IC @Bird typing…
Oops, so did I. Yeah, I probably should’ve worked on this a bit more.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep on adding to this, due to me having to kinda “patrol” the community a bit more. And in the upcoming weeks I won’t be super active, so maybe mid-January you can remind me to work on this a bit?
I still need to fix that link…
I’ll remind you then!
I’ll try to work on some right now, but I have to be careful (family reasons)…
Hello! Nice guide! How is the progress going? Also some of the images dont show up if you didnt know. bump
Begin Progress Lookup
Initiating Simulation: Progress
Please wait...
Initiation complete! Outputting data...
Progress: 31.25% Complete
Yeah so I forgot about this again, and I’m a bit busy nowadays…
So if I remember and have time I’ll work on this, but don’t count on it.
Yeah, me too…
Let me finish the rest, since you’re busy as a leader.