[đź“ś] The Ultimate Guide to Gimkit Board Games

Today I will be showing you some mechanics on how to make board game maps in GKC…
This is a WIP, so please don’t post comments like “this is too short”, or “this is boring”! Please!
If you have any comments that are off-topic, please email me at Welch.0782@outlook.com to keep yourself from getting suspended from the forums!
Anyway, here goes…

Map Options

This is for my game, but it is interchangeable, so toy with it as you’d wish.


Achievement Unlocked: Magnificent Mapper
Number of Players (WIP)

The first mechanic and probably the most important one when making a Gimkit Board game is determining how many players can play your game. For my example, I will have to have 4 players. Your’s may be different. It all depends on how much work you want to put into the game. My game is called “The Game of the Rich.” To make each player on what team your game can recognize, you need the same number of team switchers as the number of players.
I setup mine like this, interchanging the numbers for the other players’ number:

Letting the Players Choose Their Team

When making the setup in the game, sometimes it is desirable to let the players choose what team they want to be on. This ties in with the Number of Players. You need a lifecycle, a relay, a counter, a teleporter, and four buttons for this.

For the lifecycle. set it to game start, and transmit on “Game Start.”

For the counter, make it start a 0, and count up when relieving on “Count Up Ready Timer.” Then set the rest to below:

Make the teleporter go where you want the player to start.

Place the four buttons separate from each other where you want the players to pick their team.
Set them to below, interchanging the 1 with 2, 3, and 4:

Now wire each button to the one teleporter, and you’re done with this mechanic!

Achievement Unlocked: Nice Person
Game Spaces

The game spaces can be in a circle, square, a pathway, etc. This part is all up to you, but I have a few tips on how to do it right…

  1. Don’t overthink the process. I shouldn’t make your brain hurt by thinking about all the details, and if it does, take a break.
  2. Think “Less memory, less worries, less stress.” When you’ve done a bazillion spaces and barely have any memory left to make the actual game, you know you’ve taken a wrong turn.
  3. Decorate when desired. Props usually don’t take up as much memory as most devices do, so decorate as wanted to make your game seem complex, when really it isn’t!
  4. Follow tips 1-3 and you’ll be a game space expert!
Achievement Unlocked: Game Space Buff
Dice Rolling (WIP)
One Player at a Time (WIP)
Movement (WIP)
Events (WIP)
Tracking Players (WIP)
Game Modes (WIP)
Chess Style Game (WIP)
Game Objective (WIP)
Themes (WIP)
Abilities/Special Actions (WIP)
Lights, Camera, Action! (WIP)
How hard is this guide???
  • :white_large_square: 0/10
  • :blue_square: 1-2/10
  • :green_square: 3-4/10
  • :yellow_square: 5-6/10
  • :orange_square: 7-8/10
  • :red_square: 9-10/10
  • :black_large_square: 11/10
0 voters

yay i love wip guides

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I absolutely am not making this a wiki, so nobody should dare to ask…
@Slim When did you get possessed???

You need to FINISH a guide before posting it. Especially for tug guides.

A couple hours ago.


Good Guide

Off topic

I love the Popcorn Google Doodle

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The Ultimate Guide

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I’ll work on it right this instant, Admiral @Slim!
Done for right now…

this is a very awesome guide

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(I don’t want this guide to sink into quicksand…)