The Ultimate Guide to Gimkit Bedwars

It means “The Ultimate Guide”.

How do you not know this? You’re a regular :sob:


I just understood it, I am not doing to well lately on the forum. Plus its like never used.

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Can you add a difficulty poll?

Doesn’t mean I know everything, plus that tag is very rarely used.

Because 39 guides means never used.

do you remember posting on The Ultimate Guide to Traps, Tricks, Pranks, and Trolls or The Ultimate Guide to Gimkit Among Us (The Skeld) or any of the other massive tugs lol

and no, I’m not gonna add a difficulty poll, that doesn’t really work as well here. There’s a bunch of different concepts collected, and I never even explicitly said how to make the system, the whole point is that you figure it out yourself.

And besides, they always have the exact same results. It’s very rare to see a thing rated above like 2 or 3. It’s like getting an honest rating from r/truerateme, it’s just not happening. A lot of the heavily rated things are rated by the creator of the map, and not majority polls.


No, I post on over 500+ topics a day, how am I soppost to keep up with that?

You made those and they were literally your most popular topics.

That would seem to be easy to remember. There are so many tug’s that are referenced and appear in the feeds it should be impossible to miss them.

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At least know what the tag means. You’re a regular. You should be able to guide new users in the forums.


Hey! I was going to make this…
Also, this doesn’t have the pre-made guides… Maybe you should add them…


I can, and I do, also that tag is not used much and you only give guides, and I did not make those topics. Also I am spending way less time on here so I am not able to remember every single post, tag, defintion, etc about gimkit. Gimkit is not my life, just a hobby and thing I enjoy. So quit correcting me and telling me what I should and should not know if it is not needed.( I mean by 3 different users btw).


great guide!

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It’s “quit” sir, not “quite”


Grammar has never been my strong suit.

Okay then. Good day to u!

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wdym ‘the pre-made guides’?
If you mean the guides about bedwars that have already been made, I’m not gonna add those. There’s already a resources post on that, and once again, the goal of this post is to help people come up with things themselves. If every single thing they do is just copy and pasted, channel name for channel name, from some random person on the internet’s guide, then they’re never going to learn how to do stuff themselves. A signficant portion of the forums is already… not really capable of coming up with stuff on their own, or at least they don’t project that sort of idea, for lack of a better way of saying this.

And yes, wolf, it’s quit not quite
the post you made doesn’t really make sense anyways… you should probably work on grammar lol because I have an incredibly hard time understanding 90% of the things you say


That is cruel. Now LETS GET BACK TO WORK :rage:


Nice guide, @Shdwy !

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Thanks😒, i’ll work on it.

i completely agree
amazing guide tho

@WolfTechnology, you posted on The Ultimate Guide to Traps, Tricks, Pranks, and Trolls, how come you didnt question the tug tag on that?

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